Project Management

Creating an efficient project environment that flows from start to finish.

Our System

To unify the entire process into a system, we have evolved into what is referred to as a Design/Build firm. We have our own in-house design team effectively analyzing and preparing the project, and a crew with the construction expertise to build it. Our system integrates the design, estimating, and communication to achieve a reliable budget prior to start. This is called the negotiated design approach. In a cooperative environment we all work together to value engineer the project as it develops.

Developing the Project

After our initial discussions we will provide you with a ballpark estimate for your project at no cost.  This information will allow you to make informed decisions about whether or not to proceed with the designs and developing the budget further.  At this point we will provide you with project development contract with cost estimates for these services. It is important to develop the drawings and pricing simultaneously so that we end up with a final design that meets your budget. Our estimates show our costs for each step with the project management fees and markup added separately. This provides you with maximum transparency in the pricing.  Once drawings and estimates are finalized and you review and approve all the documents it’s time to build!

Getting Work Done

The construction phase of a project revolves around the schedule. Construction scheduling is more of an art than a science. Although things generally proceed according to plan, it’s best to expect the schedule to be modified as the project evolves. During this time we will manage and organize all of the people and materials involved and coordinate the flow of the project. In keeping with our cooperative approach we will meet with you regularity and keep you informed via email, text, phone calls, and personal meetings. Needless to say, predictability is the key to success at this point, and it allows us to make the schedule more science than art. It’s in everyone’s best interest to get you back in your house enjoying the space as soon as possible.

Finishing Efficiently

As the project nears completion we will put together what’s called a “punch” list with outstanding items yet to finish. This is also a collaborative effort and we welcome your input on any additional desires, requirements, or overlooked obligations. A good punch list outlines all the little details that need to be buttoned up to complete the project so we can finish as efficiently as possible. Once the punch list tasks are complete, we remove all of our equipment, do a final clean up, and prepare the space so you can settle back in and enjoy your new home.